[OS X TeX] Invisible character

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Thu Jun 22 11:48:33 EDT 2006

On Jun 22, 2006, at 9:54 AM, Alain Schremmer wrote:

> P.S. to Schulz:
> 1) Robertson's macros do use the bullet as place-holder. But,  
> occasionally, I use "sparse" tables in which I "leave [many place- 
> holders] as-is" hence my quest for an invisible place-holder.


I actually prefer something that will stick out like a sore thumb in  
my output so I can tell at a glance that I might have forgotten  

I use the • as a `Tab' marker in my CommandCompletion.txt file and  
also supplied a couple of Applescript Macros that jump between the  
`Tabs' for easier completion fill-in. There is a line in the macros  
that is commented out: if you un-comment it the macros will find \emph 
{and delete} the next/previous `Tab' so you can easily get rid of  
unwanted `Tabs' and clean up the file.

I actually have both versions as separate macros. You can get the  
files from <http://homepage.mac.com/herbs2> as CommandCompletion.zip  
if you want to try it out.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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