[OS X TeX] Alternative Method of Labeling Figures with Illustrator

Gary L. Gray gray at engr.psu.edu
Mon Jun 26 13:10:02 EDT 2006

On Jun 26, 2006, at 12:56 PM, Jung-Tsung Shen wrote:

> I have briefly tested the method myself, and it worked perfectly. The
> only problem I had actually was to produce the exact output as in the
> example in the author's web page (the  division symbol, "/", showed up
> as a rotated triangle in my PDF output); but for every other examples
> I devised, it worked flawlessly. I would be very interested if the
> members and experts of this forum could have further examination.

One more thing. I would also be concerned about the fact that it did  
not work in one of your tests. You have to ask yourself, when will  
this happen again? :-)

All the best,
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