[OS X TeX] CocoAspel 2.0.2 is missing misspelled words
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Fri Mar 24 04:47:06 EST 2006
Le 24 mars 06 à 07:44, Bruno Voisin a écrit :
> As usual with Aspell, the available dictionaries are very poorly
> documented; selecting one dictionary then hitting "About this
> dictionary..." brings up very a uninformative copyright file, not
> telling anything about what differentiates one dictionary from
> another. The only info we get is that the standard English
> dictionary was built with:
> en-common.rws
> en_US-wo_accents-only.rws
> en_GB-ise-wo_accents-only.rws
> while English [variant_0] was built with:
> en-variant_0.rws
> Thus it seems "English" and "English [varaiant_0]" are very
> different from each other; what exactly the difference is, I've no
> idea.
Well, looking at the source dictionaries <ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/
aspell/dict> then searching for the same information on my Mac, it
appears dictionaries are installed at "/Library/Application Support/
cocoAspell/" and in particular that some info is available in the
file "/Library/Application Support/cocoAspell/aspell6-en-6.0-0/doc/
> When combining the words lists the "english" spelling category should
> be used as well as one of "american", "british", "british_z" (british
> with ize spelling), or "canadian". Great care has been taken so that
> that only one spelling for any particular word is included in the main
> list. When two variants were considered equal I randomly picked one
> for inclusion in the main word list. Unfortunately this means that my
> choice in how to spell a word may not match your choice. If this is
> the case you can try including the "variant_0" spelling category which
> includes most variants which are considered almost equal. The
> "variant_1" spelling category include variants which are also
> generally considered acceptable, and "variant_2" contains variants
> which are seldom used.
Thus it seems my pseudo-rant of this morning was simply a RTFM issue.
However, even after reading the above, it is still unclear to me
whether the "English [variant_0]" dictionary can be used as a
substitute for "English", or in addition to it, or even whether en-
variant_0.rws must be used in combination with some other *.rws
component to compile a fully functional (and missing) replacement for
the default English dictionary.
Bruno Voisin------------------------- Info --------------------------
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