[OS X TeX] mathtime, tetex/TeXLive,macTeX

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Nov 29 06:44:38 EST 2006

Le 29 nov. 06 à 11:35, George Nurser a écrit :

> I've just got a new MBP, and would like to install TeX on it.
> On my desktop system I have teTeX installed, and have found that
> \usepackage{mathtime} gives very nice results. I believed, following
> Jens Noeckel's nice page
> http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~noeckel/Illustrator.html
> that it actually uses the 'belleek' fonts.
> Now I hear that the TexLive distribution does not 'include the
> mathtime fonts'. Does this mean that \usepackage{mathtime} won't work?
> If so, should I simply install teTeX for now, and install TeXLive once
> the dust has settled? Or is there a _simple_ way of adding the
> mathtime fonts? Will future versions of TeTeX allow use of
> \usepackage{mathtime} or are there licensing issues that are causing
> problems?

No, TeXLive does include the belleek fonts (a public-domain clone of  
the commercial MathTime Basic) at present. What has been mentioned is  
the possibility that the TeXLive maintainers decide not to include  
these fonts, and all the MathTime support files (metrics, map file,  
LaTeX support files), any longer at some point in the future.

Quoting an offlist message from Karl Berry (great TeXLive architect):

> I am tempted to believe that all MathTime and Lucida support should be
> removed from TeX Live.  Any new users will get the whole packages from
> their vendors, including the TeX support, so it seems merely a  
> cause for
> confusion and getting out of sync to have them in TL.  The files would
> still exist on CTAN for anyone who has the old fonts and needs  
> them, for
> whatever reason.   Can you see some other class of users who would be
> hurt by removing mt and lucida?

In case you feel that would be an error, then you should make you  
voice heard (contact Karl, or email the TeXLive list or join the  
comp.text.tex newsgroup) -- such feedback is precisely what is asked  
for, I think.

Bruno Voisin
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