[OS X TeX] Very (Mac)-specific mpm problem

Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Wed Nov 29 13:23:33 EST 2006

>Le 29 nov. 06 à 00:43, Alan Munn a écrit :
>>This error code is supposedly
>>>After connecting to an FTP server, libcurl 
>>>expects to get a certain reply back. This 
>>>error code implies that it got a strange or 
>>>bad reply. The given remote server is probably 
>>>not an OK FTP server.
>>Now internet connections work fine on this 
>>machine, e.g. web browsing, e-mail and curl 
>>itself (i.e. % curl <url>  correctly retrieves 
>>the URL.)
>Probably a very naive question, but still: could 
>it be a matter of passive vs. active FTP, or 
>firewall activation, on either the server or 
>your computer?

This was a good suggestion, as I've had other 
problems with ftp like this.  But turning PASV 
mode on or off seems to make no difference.  As 
per Victor's suggestion, I've eliminated 
temporarily the internet sharing part of the 
configuration and the problem persists, so it 
seems to be mpm and this particular Mac.  mpm 
works fine on two laptops that I have, one 
running 10.4 and the other 10.3


Alan Munn                                                   amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics                                   amunn at acm.org
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages   Fax.  +1-517-432-2736
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824    Tel.  +1-517-355-7491
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