[OS X TeX] TeX and the wild wild world out there

Paul Vickers eattheword at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 29 14:57:07 EST 2006

> That is pretty bad. It is like not being able to stand a beautiful  
> mind in an ugly body. What do the two have to do together?

Er no, it's not. We're talking about documents here not people. What  
content and form have to do with each other is that we strive for  
excellence and want to get our message across in accessible a form as  
possible. The same goes for our spoken words -- we try to conform to  
the rules of grammar, clear diction etc. as much as possible because  
it's easier for our audience. Try telling a graphic designer that  
form and content are unrelated....

>> Others really don't care about the maths so much
> Now this makes me very unhappy. Just because my handwriting is  
> terrible, does that imply that my love of mathematics is anything  
> less than yours?

No, again, we're talking about typesetting tools, not people. BUT, if  
you want people to read what you write by hand then it behoves you to  
write legibly else people won't understand it.

> Regards
> --schremmer
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