[OS X TeX] TeX and the wild wild world out there

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Nov 29 15:00:31 EST 2006

I don't know any mathematical researcher who is more interested in  
the form than the content. Being a good mathematician requires

(1) to prove important theorems,
(2) the proofs of which should be as simple and elegant as possible  
(which I refer to as the mathematical form)
(3) and lastly, the typographical form should be beautiful (which is  
a minor point) and well readable (which is an important point).


On Nov 29, 2006, at 20:41, Alain Schremmer wrote:

> Are you joking? You mean there really are people more interested in  
> the contents than in the form? Obviously they cannot be  
> mathematicians or else they shuld be expelled from the profession  
> manu militari.
> I am sorry to be so mad but some of what I have read just before  
> touched a very raw nerve.

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