[OS X TeX] List nesting in TeX4ht [Was:] Is there a Latex package for creating html slidy presentations?

Robert Spence spence at saar.de
Sat Oct 14 10:08:02 EDT 2006

On 12 Oct 2006, at 12:01 , Eitan Gurari wrote:

>> A propos lists... is there a way of ending a sublist without also
>> ending the item it occurs in?
> I believe so.  I'm not sure I understand where such a restriction is
> useful.  -eitan

Sorry, I didn't formulate things properly, because I trusted my  
memory rather than reexamining the LaTeX and HTML code closely.  It  
was something I noticed a few months ago while trying to get TeX4ht  
to typeset Leslie Lamport's "An Example LaTeX Document"

There was an enumerated list right in the middle of one of the items  
of an itemized list.  The LaTeX source code (minimalized) was:
    first portion of text
         problematic interruption
    second portion of text

The generated HTML code (minimalized/simplified) was:
  <li class="itemize">
    first portion of text
        <li class="enumerate">
          problematic interruption
<p class="noindent">
   second portion of text

So what I was in fact observing was a mere artefact related to the  
default CSS settings: there was some extra vertical space above and  
below the "second portion of text", which was NOT due to a too-early  
outer </li> but was simply part of the specification of how to  
display an unindented paragraph.  I've now added a line to my  
personal .cfg file of the form:

\Css{ li p.noindent: margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em; }

and made a note to learn CSS properly as soon as possible.

My apologies for the wasted bandwidth!

-- Robert Spence 

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