[OS X TeX] Many i-Packages are currently updating for a bug fix

Gerben Wierda Gerben.Wierda at rna.nl
Sun Oct 29 19:28:02 EST 2006

Recently a rather large rework/cleanup action on the i-Packages was  
interrupted by a security issue in i-Installer which required a fix  
in i-installer and an update of all the i-Packages (the latter to  
force users to upgrade). As this was done during the rework, things  
were not fully done and tested and now a bug affecting many i- 
Packages has come to light.

Many i-Packages now call the uninstall phase as part of the install- 
preparation phase. To prevent a mix of old and new, it has always  
been true that old installs were removed before unarchiving took  
place. The cleanup of the code included that all prepare phases doing  
a remove used the uninstall phase for this (unless there are reasons  
not to). As a result, the i-Packages in question all had a prepare  
phase that became dependent on the uninstall phase.

However, I had not yet added this dependency to the table of contents  
for those i-Packages. As a result, the uninstall just failed to run  
(no such script) unless the i-Package was fattened or unless the  
uninstall phase had been inspected.

I have now added this dependency to the prepare phase of all i- 
Packages affected and these are now uploading. The i-Packages  
affected are: ImageMagick Xaw3d asy autotrace bibtool bzip2 fftw  
fondu fontconfig freetype2 gc gettext ghostscript-8 glib gv jpeg  
latex2rtf lcdftypetools libiconv libpng libtiff libwmf macutils  
mftrace ncftp netpbm ocaml p7zip pfaedit pkg-config potrace pstoedit  
rtf2latex2e subversion ttf2pt1 unison (note: not all in this list are  
currently released)

The i-Packages wvWare and XFig remain blocked. I will be unable to  
solve this until we are a few weeks further (after TUG2006).

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