[OS X TeX] Inclusion of TIFF files

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Sep 6 10:53:12 EDT 2006

Le 6 sept. 06 à 15:45, Gerben Wierda a écrit :

>> However, some of the EPS figures are huge (~ 50 MB each -- no thanks
>> Mathematica
> These are pure vector EPS images? You must have images (graphs)  
> with many,
> many, really many, points in them.

Yes, really many points. These are perspective views (11 of them) of  
fields calculated on a 601 x 601 grid. Which means, in each figure,  
360 000 polygons, each positioned and oriented spatially and having a  
certain CMYK color. All in all, each EPS file is about 25 MB when  
saved from Mathematica. I would have imagined that Mathematica did  
some optimization of the EPS code that it generates; for example,  
removing hidden portions. Apparently, it doesn't: when opening an EPS  
file in Preview, you can see each of the lines of the plot (each x- 
line say, of this f(x,y) plot) being drawn individually on the  
screen, and hiding those previously drawn.

For some reason, after edition in Adobe Illustrator CS 2 (to add axis  
labels mostly), each 25 MB file becomes even bigger, 50 MB, when  
saved in Illustrator EPS format. I did not attempt to fuss with the  
default EPS creation options, given I simply don't understand most of  

Originally, without upgrading the RAM of my PowerBook G4 to 1 GB, I  
simply couldn't save the modified Illustrator files: the Mac crashed  
while saving. After upgrading the RAM, saving worked but it took  
about 45 minutes (I'm not kidding!) to save each single file, during  
which Illustrator was using most of the CPU. Having "only" 64 MB  
graphic CPU is probably significant, too.

While attempting to fulfil yesterday the publisher's requests for EPS  
files, suddenly the situation became much better: each EPS file takes  
"only" about 5 minutes to save from Illustrator -- the size remains  
the same though. It seems the default color space of Mathematica EPS  
files is CMYK, while that of Illustrator 10 EPS files was RGB.  
Whether that was significant or not -- whether Illustrator had to  
perform some conversion from one color space to the other when saving  
files -- is uncertain; in any case, setting the color mode of the  
Illustrator file to CMYK and then converting its content to grey  
scale is what causes the reduced saving time.

Le 6 sept. 06 à 15:52, Gerben Wierda a écrit :

> I also noticed this:
> http://www.tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/2005-November/ 
> 019002.html

Thanks for the pointer. Yes, the original poster did exactly the same  
as me: creating the EPS in Mathematica and editing it in Illustrator.  
And the solution was the same: create bitmap versions of the  
offending figures. Though I disagree with the remark, made in this  
post, that the visual difference between the EPS and bitmapped  
figures is generally small: the resolution of the bitmap has really  
to be large enough, 300 dpi say, for the difference to be small indeed.


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