[OS X TeX] Inclusion of TIFF files

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Sep 6 19:16:23 EDT 2006

Le 6 sept. 06 à 23:16, Maarten Sneep a écrit :

> graphics support depends in the dvi driver, and therefore the  
> publisher may be able to do things you can't do with dvips.  
> Including tiff seems to be one of them. I'm not aware of *any*  
> method for including tiff in (la)tex or pdf(la)tex.

So far Xe(La)TeX seems the only way on OS X. Quoting one message from  
Jonathan Kew (the developer of XeTeX) on the XeTeX list today:

> Le 6 sept. 06 à 13:48, Jonathan Kew a écrit :
>> On 6 Sep 2006, at 12:22 pm, Bruno Voisin wrote:
>>> On a side note: to have a look at cross-compatibility, I compiled  
>>> the
>>> LaTeX input file also with XeLaTeX + xdvipdfmx instead of XeLaTeX +
>>> xdv2pdf, after creating a new TeXShop engine containing:
>>>> #!/bin/tcsh
>>>> set path= ($path /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin- 
>>>> current /
>>>> usr/local/bin)
>>>> xelatex -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E" "$1"
>>> Given that xdvipdfmx doesn't support the TIFF format, I wasn't
>>> surprised to see that the TIFF figures are absent from the final PDF
>>> output. What I didn't expect, though, was that the correct (blank)
>>> space had been reserved in the PDF output, as if XeTeX had correctly
>>> been able to read a size specification in the TIFF files but  
>>> xdvipdfm
>>> had been unable to include these files. Is this correct assumption?
>> Yes. XeTeX behaves just the same, regardless of which output driver
>> you're using (for all it cares, you could be generating an .xdv file
>> with the -no-pdf option). It calls QuickTime to examine the graphic
>> file, so it knows how big it is; then if you use xdv2pdf, that also
>> calls QuickTime and therefore can render the TIFF, whereas xdvipdfmx
>> uses its own platform-independent code and currently doesn't have
>> TIFF support.
>> (If you were to run the actual xetex job on Linux or Windows, though,
>> it would be unable to handle the TIFF file at typesetting time; on
>> those platforms, only JPEG, PNG, BMP and PDF are supported at
>> present, to match xdvipdfmx's capabilities. I'd like to support
>> additional formats, including TIFF, but this isn't a high priority to
>> me at the moment.)

Bruno------------------------- Info --------------------------
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