[OS X TeX] XeLaTeX in TeXShop

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Sep 7 06:34:02 EDT 2006

Le 7 sept. 06 à 12:17, Michael Kubovy a écrit :

> (1) Using TeXShop Version 2.10beta2 (237): I don't see an XeLaTeX  
> item in the Typeset menu.

Odd. Maybe related to the following.

> (2)
> When I compile an article using the preamble:
> %!TEX TS-program = xelatex
> %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
> \documentclass[twocolumn]{article}
> \usepackage{xunicode}
> \usepackage{url}
> the compilation takes ~10s before anything is displayed on the  
> console, and another ~20 s after it says: "Display has been set to  
> 0:0".

This display stuff is really odd. I would have expected "Display has  
been set to 0:0" to only show up when using TeX in X11. Have you  
installed some TeX-related X11 stuff? Such as Peter Dyballa's X11 TeX  

> Then:
> "This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.995 (Web2C 7.5.5) entering  
> extended mode"
> It then hangs somewhere in "(see \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 
> LaTeX}) " with:
> ! Extended mathchar used as mathchar (2097151).
> <to be read again>
>                    <
> l.28 ...e \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX}
>                                                   ) to write my  
> articles, an...

This message is a known bug in the latest XeTeX distro (v. 0.995 rev.  
D). So far the only cure is to compile from source, in case you have  
the Developer Tools (= Xcode) installed.

Retrieve <http://scripts.sil.org/svn-view/xetex/TRUNK.tar.gz? 
view=tar> and then follow the instructions at the bottom of the  
"XeTeX for Linux" page <http://scripts.sil.org/xetex_linux>:

- Uncompress and unarchive TRUNK.tar.gz (double-clicking it in the  
Finder should do that for you).

- Open Terminal.

- cd to the directory TRUNK so created (type cd followed by a space,  
and then, in the Finder, drag the folder TRUNK onto the Terminal  
window and press Return).

- Type in (compilation will take some time -- be warned):

	sh build-xetex

- Type in:

	sudo sh install-xetex

Your newest XeTeX is now ready for use!

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

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