[OS X TeX]

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Sep 8 17:55:35 EDT 2006

Am 08.09.2006 um 18:24 schrieb Paul Fontana:

> Peter,
> Thanks so much for all your detailed instructions!
> I still have not gotten your script to work (I get 'Permissions  
> denied')

I mentioned that: executable! Either 'chmod 755 <your script>' or  
'chmod a+x your script>' or with Finder's inspector.

> but after studying it I think I get what it does and have  
> reproduced some of it manually.  Interestingly, it seems to typeset  
> correctly when I use pdflatex from the command line, but when I do  
> exactly the same thing from TeXShop it doesn't work.

Because TeXShop does not accept any input?

> $ pdflatex nfssfont
> This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
> entering extended mode
> (/sw/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/nfssfont.tex
> LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>

> This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.20a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.3)
>  \write18 enabled.
> output format initialized to PDF
> entering extended mode
> (./nfssfont.tex
> LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
> One difference that might provide a clue is that the two systems  
> are using different versions of pdfeTeX and Web2C, as you can see  
> on the transcript headers above.  Is this a problem, or at least an  
> indication that TeXShop isn't using the right file tree or  
> something?  I also notice that they are looking in different places  
> for the file pdftex.map -- apparently the one at /Users/ 
> fontanap/.texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map is OK, but  
> the one at /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/fonts/map/pdftex/ 
> updmap/pdftex.map must not be.
> All this seems to suggest the problem is with TeXShop's  
> configuration.  What should I do to fix it?

Right! You have two teTeX systems and you have two concurring sets of  
PATHs along which the TeX binaries are searched. Since each binary  
only looks in its own area for any configuration and paraphernalia, / 
sw/bin/*tex has a working set, while i-Installer's /usr/local/teTeX/ 
bin/`uname -p`-apple-darwin-current/*tex, which TeXShop uses due to  
default preferences, has an incomplete set.

Decide what's your No.1! Then either remove from your .bashrc or .(t) 
cshrc files the Fink lines with /sw/bin/init.* files, or remove /usr/ 
local/teTeX/bin/`uname -p`-apple-darwin-current from your search path  
and set TeXShop's preferences for Fink. The PATH or path case can be  
solved with i-Installer: launch it, put it into expert mode, and then  
take the "Configure Only" tour in which you switch off "CLI  
Activation." This will, hopefully, remove some lines from /etc/ 
csh.login and /etc/profile. By these steps you in Terminal and  
TeXShop (in Aqua) will see the same TeX.

Another choice is to make i-Installer see and have the same MAP and  
font files. Since it is a bit complicated, not instantly successful,  
and neither recommended by Gerben Wierda nor documented (I think) to  
enable a user's profile for i-Installer's TeX, it's probably best to  
copy pku.map into a newly created directory /usr/local/teTeX/share/ 
texmf.local/fonts/map/dvips/mine, run 'sudo -H /usr/local/teTeX/bin/ 
`uname -p`-apple-darwin-current/texhash' and then 'sudo -H /usr/local/ 
teTeX/bin/`uname -p`-apple-darwin-current/updmap-sys --enable  
Map=pku.map' – best *before* you de-activate CLI, the Command Line  
Interface, because the super-user will need the path to the TeX  
binaries. In the end only you would be able to work with the Kaufmann  
fonts – because the font files are in your private TeX tree.

To work for either this or that TeX you can correct in each case PATH  
à la:

	env PATH=<either /sw/bin *or* /usr/local/teTeX/bin/`uname -p`-apple- 
darwin-current>:$PATH sudo -H <the TeX support command, like texhash,  
updmap(-sys), ...>

Because the Fink or the other PATH is listed as the first element for  
the following command, the Fink or the other TeX executable is  
executed and works in and for its area.



Eat the rich -- the poor are tough and stringy.

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