[OS X TeX] Building new formats (MacTeX)

Chris Goedde cgoedde at condor.depaul.edu
Fri Sep 15 16:50:47 EDT 2006

Warning, I've never built new formats, and I don't use anything but  
US English, so I've never played with changing hyphenation patterns,  
but ..

On Sep 15, 2006, at 3:32 PM, Rowland McDonnell wrote:

>> kpsewhich language.dat -progname=pdflatex
>> gives the language settings file for pdflatex.
> Okay.  But what does that mean, exactly?  Why do I need to know this?
> How could I have worked it out for myself?
> (Thank you for telling me, but I'd like to be able to find this  
> sort of
> thing out without having to ask - frankly, it'd be nice to have some
> understanding of these commands instead of having to ask every  
> time, and
> I'm not sure that the answer you've given me is actually any help  
> to me
> at all, since I don't see how it applies to iniTeX.)
> The question I still need an answer to is: how can I find out which
> particular language.dat files will be used when I build formats?

Hmm, if 'kpsewhich language.dat -progname=pdflatex' tells you which  
language.dat file is used by pdflatex, then I would guess that  
'kpsewhich language.dat -progname=initex' tells you which  
language.dat file is used by initex. Indeed, on my machine:

goedde$ kpsewhich language.dat -progname=initex

Does that help?

Chris Goedde

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