[OS X TeX] Apologies w.r.t. public communication with Rowland

Alun J. Carr alun.j.carr at ucd.ie
Wed Sep 20 20:32:12 EDT 2006


I've been using (La)TeX on the Mac for about 15 years, and Rowland  
McDonnell has been a pervasive negative influence in all the time  
he's been posting to lists in that period. He is arrogant, offensive,  
and generally unpleasant. If I had control of any list, I would block  
his submissions. I am amazed at the saintly levels of tolerance you  
have shown. I suspect that Mr McDonnell has never made a significant  
financial contribution to you for your sterling work on porting TeTeX  
(plus other stuff) to OS X, yet he feels free to insult you and your  
work as though he had paid a commercial rate for it (e.g. the many  
hundred Euro that one would pay for TeXtures -- and I can imagine  
Blue Sky's response to emails of his usual tone).

My advice to everyone on the list is to ignore his postings in the  
hope that he either (a) improves his attitude or (b) goes away and  
allows the rest of us to enjoy a world-beating TeX system.

So, many thanks, Gerben, for all your efforts in producing GWTeX, and  
for making installation and use so painless (especially when combined  
with the wonderful TeXShop of Prof. Koch, et al.).

Best regards,



Dr Alun J. Carr
School of Electrical, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

Phone: +353-(0)1-716 1989
Fax: +353-(0)1-283 0534
Email: alun.j.carr at ucd.ie
WWW: <http://tinyurl.com/9r4db>

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See <http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html>

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