[OS X TeX] Begining in Mac-TeX

Daniel Becker daniel.becker at uni-rostock.de
Wed Apr 4 05:34:06 EDT 2007

> ``1.  Download the latest version of TeXShop
>   2. Locate and open the TeXShop .dmg file and drag TeXShop to your
> Applications folder (if you wish, place TeXShop in the Dock)
>   3. Place pdfsync.sty in your ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex folder (if
> necessary, create the folders within your Library folder)
>   4. Save the remaining files in the folder to a new folder called  
> TeXShop

There is also now an alternative and much easier way to go:


-> MacTeX
-> MacTeXtras

What you will get is a texlive distribution (I guess you have gwtex).  
And an small application in system utilities to switch between  
installations. and all the applications to edit your l.tex files, the  
bibliographies tec.

gwtex is smaller and generally more up to date. But it does not have  
dropping.sty, texlive does....

> 1) Doesn't  i-Installer install packages on the fly, like MikteX?

no, unfortunately not.

> 2) How can I install and where I put the packages always they are
> required using TeXShop?

the easiest is to put additional styles etc in your home-directory.  
For example, I have my own copy of subeqnarray.sty here:


You do not need to figure out by yourself how the folder structure  
needs to be below /Users/daniel/Library/texmf

There is the application TCObrwoser that does not only help you to  
find the documentation for packages but also to install packages in  
your home directory. You get it together with Mactex or at http:// 

> 3) Is there any configuration to be in TeXShop's preferences?


Hope that helps


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