[OS X TeX] A non-OS X question

André Bellaïche abellaic at math.jussieu.fr
Thu Apr 5 17:13:40 EDT 2007

Excuse me for asking a TeX/LaTEX question, not related to Mac OS X.

Does there exist a version of \leftskip\rightskip which works in  
reverse ways on odd and even pages.

Say you have a paragraph running on two different pages or more. I  
would need a macro, call it \outerskip, such that

{\outerskip 50 pt ..... \par}

would amount to \rightskip 50pt for the parts of the paragraph laying  
on odd pages, and to \leftskip 50pt for the parts of the paragraph  
laying on even pages.

Thank you for any help.

André Bellaïche

P.S. Bruno, I shall send you details on the last bug within some days.
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