[OS X TeX] Simple question

Roussanka Loukanova rloukano at stp.lingfil.uu.se
Tue Apr 10 16:57:23 EDT 2007

On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Gary L. Gray wrote:

> On Apr 10, 2007, at 3:45 PM, Nathan Paxton wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> Try wrapping the full path in double quotes (not `` or '' but "):
>>> \includegraphics{"../Dissertation Materials/pictures/BeliefReX.pdf"}
>>> might work. I tried it with a file with spaces in its name in the
>>> same directory as the tex file and it worked.
>>> Good Luck,
>>> Herb Schulz
>>> (herbs at wideopenwest.com)
>> 	Hmm.  Tried that.  Any other suggestions?
> I just tried Herb's suggestion and it works perfectly here. I've put a .pdf 
> file with spaces in the name inside a folder with spaces in the name and 
> tried it in several locations and it always works as long as the path is 
> correct and I have "" wrapped around it.
> Regards,
> Gary

It works for me only if I do not include the fle extension .pdf, i.e.,

\includegraphics{"../Dissertation Materials/pictures/BeliefReX.pdf"}


! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .pdf".



\includegraphics{"../Dissertation Materials/pictures/BeliefReX"}


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