[OS X TeX] Hoefler and Swashes question

Frank STENGEL fstengel at mac.com
Sat Apr 21 01:27:27 EDT 2007

Le 21 avr. 07 à 04:21, Joe Chan a écrit :


>> \renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{U}
>> \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{hoeftxt}
> Ahh, so these are the two commands that I'm missing. If I add them  
> to the preamble of my sample doc, it works. Can anyone point me to  
> any docs/articles about dealing with fonts? I'm been reading the  
> fontspec doc, and it feels like I'm missing a whole chunk of LaTeX  
> knowledge to make sense of it.

Look in the LaTeX Companion: there is a whole chapter on fonts and  
how to set them up (in my first edition it is chapter 7). However  
these two commands are there bacause the hoefler you are using is  
seen as using a non standard encoding (U) and because you need to  
tell LaTeX that you are using hoefler as the default when typing text...

Frank STENGEL (fstengel<at>mac.com)

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