[OS X TeX] OT: looking for a public-domain EPS file editor
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Apr 26 09:25:16 EDT 2007
Le 26 avr. 07 à 12:32, Peter Dyballa a écrit :
> Am 26.04.2007 um 09:55 schrieb Bruno Voisin:
>> Quelqu'un a mentionné ivtools, mais je n'ai pu comprendre d'après
>> la documentation en ligne comment l'installer et l'utiliser.
> Fink peut:
> BuildDepends: x11-dev
> Depends: x11, ivtools1.2.3-shlibs
Actually just as your message arrived I had decided to give MacPorts
a try, and had installed it and was building xpdf.
I was a bit worried already that installing xpdf means installing
other libraries already installed by i-Installer, but in different
GhostScript: 8.56 i-Installer, 8.54 MacPorts
FreeType: 2.3.1 i-Installer, 2.3.4 MacPorts
libpng: 1.2.12 i-Installer, 1.2.16 MacPorts
and probably other libraries as well (like pkgconfig), I didn't check
everything systematically.
Then looking at TeX things start to get annoying: MacPorts knows only
teTeX (in the print area at <http://trac.macports.org/projects/
macports/browser/trunk/dports/print/teTeX/Portfile>). I was thinking
of maybe using MacPorts to compile xdvipdfmx (there is a portfile for
it), but this dependency on teTeX makes it out of the question.
And then ivtools: there's an portfile for it <http://
ivtools/Portfile>, and I did the install. However, after installing I
couldn't find the drawtool executable which according to the doc
<http://www.ivtools.org/ivtools/faq.html#importpostscript> seems to
be the one to use to edit (E)PS files (it invokes pstoedit to convert
EPS to ivtools' idraw format and back transparently), and I was puzzled.
Looking a bit more, it seems MacPorts installs version 1.0.7 of
ivtools, from 2002, while the current version is 1.2.4, from 2006.
I tried compiling version 1.2.4 directly, using the standard ./
configure, make and sudo make install sequence: configure and make
can't proceed, they complain about a missing command imake.
As far as I'm concerned that's the final blow: there is for sure a
way to sort out this mess, but I can't possibly devote more time to
it. And I'm even more reluctant to try Fink than MacPorts. I'm going
back to the simplicity of Mac OS X, i-Installer and Illustrator, and
will erase the MacPorts install at once...
Thanks for the help in any case. That's interesting stuff, but I
simply can't devote as much time to it as is required to make it work.
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