[OS X TeX] pdflatex.fmt format file missing

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Aug 9 05:33:28 EDT 2007

Am 09.08.2007 um 05:55 schrieb Robert Morelli:

> What's puzzling me most about this situation is that no one else is  
> aware of it. I was under the impression that
> tetex was a pretty standard tex distribution for OS X and that  
> pdflatex was a pretty commonplace use of a
> tex system. Am I wrong, or is tex just not used that much on OS X?

It *was*, probably. TeTeX is now dead. And Fink's teTeX is a product  
you can't install that easily: first you need to install the Apple  
developer tools, optionally some X11, then comes Fink plus the  
optional FinkCommander, then some more software, then follows teTeX.  
And it can happen that you need to compile quite a lot of the whole  
software. Other distributions, TeX Live, gwTeX, MacTeX, are a bit  
easier. And finally, when I used Fink's teTeX: where to put  
additional packages and fonts and how to make them survive an update  
of teTeX? So, after some time, I migrated myself to gwTeX ...  
(actually I was mostly in Classic using Tom Kiffe's CMacTeX and  
OzTeX, and gwTeX made me to migrate to Mac OS X completely)

And yes, TeX isn't used that much on Mac OS X. A few millions have  
bought Macs, a few thousands are using TeX.



If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.

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