[OS X TeX] TeXShop 2.13

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Sun Aug 12 18:01:00 EDT 2007

Le 12 août 07 à 23:00, Peter Dyballa a écrit :

> Am 09.08.2007 um 23:00 schrieb Richard Koch:
>> TeXShop 2.13 is available at
> ⇧⌘+ does not enlarge on a German keyboard. The + sign  
> corresponds with ] on an English or American keyboard, i.e. it is  
> not shifted (this would give *). Peter Maurer's Key Codes says, +  
> is Key Code 30/0x1e.

Just to be sure, I checked this on the French keyboard and it does work:

Cmd-+, that is Cmd-Shift-=, zooms in
Cmd-_, that is Cmd-Shift--, zooms out

The two keys =/+ and -/_ are placed differently on the French  
keyboard, but they have exactly the same functions as on an American  
keyboard. And it was before Nick and George met to patch everything  
up between the US and France ;-)

It is a bit disconcerting that things do not work exactly as in  
TextEdit where:

Cmd-+, that is Cmd-Shift-=, makes the font bigger
Cmd-- makes the font smaller

and as in Preview where:

Cmd-+, that is Cmd-Shift-=, zooms in
Cmd-- zooms out

I can see the logic of this, given TeXShop combines the functions of  
TextEdit for the Source window and Preview for the Preview window.  
For it, in the Source window:

Cmd-= makes the font bigger
Cmd-- makes the font smaller

and in the Preview window:

Cmd-+, that is Cmd-Shift-=, zooms in
Cmd-_, that is Cmd-Shift--, zooms out

so that the Shift key isn't used for the Source window and is used  
for the Preview window. That makes sense, even if it is a bit  
disconcerting when you're used to Cmd-+ and Cmd-- with Preview. (Not  
to mention Adobe's Reader and Acrobat, which of course associate  
Rotation with Cmd-+ and Cmd--, not Zoom!)

I wonder how the above works when + and - from the numeric keypad are  
used (can't test right now as I've only a MacBook at hand).

Is there a possibility to makes the menus "modular", namely that the  
menus (and accompanying keyboard shortcuts) change depending on the  
active window (Source or Preview or Log)? I wonder whether Apple's  
HIG contain recommendations about this. I remember vaguely that in  
the first volumes of Inside Macintosh (long ago) there were  
recommendations against introducing different modes for a given  
software, but then a few years later Apple/Claris started using modes  
in their own software...

Bruno Voisin
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