[OS X TeX] Problems with texlive-2007-dev

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Aug 16 02:57:51 EDT 2007

Le 16 août 07 à 05:05, Richard Seguin a écrit :

> I just installed texlive-2007-dev.dmg for the first time, and in  
> particular on a new aluminum iMac. However, when I typeset using  
> the hyperref package, I get the following error message:
> ! I can't find file `protcode.tex'.
> 1.19 \input protcode.tex
> Does anyone have any idea what the problem may be? Is this a  
> problem with the "dev" version?

protcode.tex is a file, written by the pdfTeX author, which was used  
in "ancient" times to get hanging indentation (punctuation characters  
hanging a bit in the right margin) with plain TeX, as allowed by  
pdfTeX. With LaTeX you can get the same functionality (and more) with  
the microtype package.

protcode.tex was included by Gerben Wierda in gwTeX at the request of  
some users (me included). It's still there, at /usr/local/gwTeX/ 
texmf.gwtex/tex/plain/misc/protcode.tex. As far as I know, it's never  
been part of TeXLive-2007, either -dev or not. IIRC, it was also  
provided in the first releases of TeXShop.

Bruno Voisin
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