[OS X TeX] Tables

Nathan Paxton napaxton at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Aug 20 14:26:08 EDT 2007

	Hi all,

	I'm about to make some statistical tables to include in a conference  
article, and I wonder if there is a convenient way to do this.  I  
know about the Tables panel in TeXShop, but I've never quite figured  
out how to get it to the following.

	Say I set up a table (headers and such) but don't put the values for  
each cell in. Then I want to fill in those values over the course of  
a couple of days. And perhaps I need a column added later on. Etc. I  
don't see any way to save the contents of the table so that I can re- 
edit it with ease (and also not screw it up if I edit it by hand,  
which inevitably seems to happen). I guess what I'd like is something  
more spreadsheet-like, where I can enter, edit, and format the table,  
but I can then generate at least some sort of LaTeX code to insert  
into my document.

	Does anyone have a suggestion for how to go about this?

Nathan A. Paxton
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Government, Harvard University

Resident Tutor
John Winthrop House, Harvard University

napaxton AT fas DOT harvard DOT edu
When you have to stay eight years away from California, you live in a  
perpetual state of homesickness.
         - Ronald Reagan

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself.  Aloud.
         -Coco Chanel

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