[OS X TeX] hyperref breaklinks

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Sun Aug 26 06:12:41 EDT 2007

(This mail probably won't be threaded right, and look odd: the .Mac SMTP servers don't seem to be working, at least in Mail, so after half a day wait I'm finally turning to the .Mac webmail interface to try sending this message at last.)

Le 25 août 07 à 18:52, Aaron Jackson a écrit :

> On Aug 25, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Maarten Sneep wrote:
>> On Aug 25, 2007, at 16:46, Nathan Paxton wrote:
>>> 	To typeset a paper with sidewaystables and correctly working table references, I've had to change TeXShop to use the TeX + Ghostscript scripts for the typesetting.  All my previous issues have been resolved.
>>> 	Except now hyperref does not seem to want to break links in my bibliography. I realized that the pdftex option for the hyperref package wasn't appropriate anymore (and it seems to create wonkiness with my references to the sidewaystable I have), but I can't seem to figure out which option I should call to get breaklinks to work correctly. Any ideas?
>> It can't.
> It can be done depending on how you process your document.  Tex->dvipdfm is OK as long as you don't have any postscript or pstricks stuff in your document.  From the hyperref README:
> [...]
> * Wrapped/broken link support
>   Only few drivers support automatically wrapped/broken links,
>   e.g. pdftex, dvipdfm, hypertex. Other drivers lack this
>   feature, e.g. dvips, dvipsone.

The original poster mentioned the TeX + GhostScript mode of TeXShop. This means by default dvips + distiller (where distiller is either GhostScript's ps2pdf, or Apple's pstopdf), not dvipdfm.

That said, it is possible to make TeXShop use dvipdfm(x) instead. How to do this depends on whether you're using MacTeX with TeXLive-2007, or gwTeX:

- With MacTeX, open TeXShop and in Preferences > Engine > TeX + dvips + distiller, enter:

** For TeX: simpdftex_dpmx tex --dpx --maxpfb

** For LaTeX: simpdftex_dpmx latex --dpx --maxpfb

Then, TeX will use dvipdfmx; if you prefer the original dvipdfm (dvipdfmx is a modified version for compatibility with Japanese and Korean, I think), then replace the --dpx option by --dpm.

- With gwTeX, do the same as before with:

** For TeX: simpdftex tex --mode dvipdfmx --maxpfb

** For LaTeX: simpdftex latex --mode dvipdfmx --maxpfb

Again, if you prefer dvipdfm to dvipdfmx, change the mode accordingly.

Where does this all come from? See:


 The --help info of gwTeX's simpdftex, reproduced below, makes this clearer. This is version='20070507' of simpdftex. MacTeX includes an older version, version='$Revision: 2.18 $', apparently from 20041115. I don't know why the MacTeX version is lagging behind so much (I'm speaking of the texlive-2007-dev version of MacTeX, from <http://tug.org/mactex/morepackages.html>).

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

Usage: simpdftex formatname [--mode modestring]
	[--dvipsopts dvipsoptstring] [--extradvipsopts dvipsoptstring] [--pdf]
	[--default] [--maxpk] [--maxpfb] [--extendedname] [--no-echo-version]
	[--tex-path dir] [--keep-psfile] [--distiller-path dir] [--debug]
	[--distiller prog] [--distiller-filter prog] [--help]
	[--outdir dir] [--extratexopts texoptsstring]
	[--dvipdfmopts dvipdfmoptstring] tex-or-dvi-file

simpdftex is a way to do pdf{e}{la}tex without having pdf{e}{la}tex. It needs a
working TeX environment and one of three ways to turn  DVI file into PDF:
	- dvips + a distiller like ghostscript
	- dvipdfm
	- dvipdfmx
Since pdf{e}{la}tex cannot handle insertion of .eps graphics, simpdftex gives an
alternative when using dvips mode. The output for both systems is comparable.

simpdftex compiles the file with {LA}TeX, processes the DVI file with dvips into
PostScript and uses gs to produce pdf (with ps2pdf). Or it uses dvipdfm or
dvipdfmx to turn the DVI file into PDF. There is finegrained control over the
resulting filename and the options with which dvips produces the PostScript
intermediary file.

Dvips will call Metafont to produce bitmaps or include PostScript .pfb files
depending on the flags. See below.

The default setting is normal name, maximal use of pfb's, just like pdf{la}tex,
in other words, "pdftex file.tex" and "altpdftex file.tex" both produce an
output file file.pdf. For pdftex, output options are controlled by pdftex.cfg,
for altpdftext by config.ps (unless --pdf is given).

		If a .dvi file is given, skip the TeX process. Otherwise, TeX
		the input file, dvips the resulting dvi file and ps2pdf the
		resulting ps file
		Tell simpdftex how to go from DVI to PDF. There are three modes:
		- dvips
		- dvipdfm
		- dvipdfmx
		Compatibility flag with simpdftex_dpmx. Equal to --mode dvipdfmx
		Compatibility flag with simpdftex_dpmx. Equal to --mode dvipdfm
		Display this message and exit
		Do not echo location and version of this script. Does not exit
		so can be used tochange info to the output of a real run
		Add some debug output
		Depending on the mode, adds intermediary extensions to the
		output filename. If the mode is --pdf, .pdfmode is added. If
		the mode is --maxpk, ,maxpk is added and if the mode is
		--maxpfb, .maxpfb is added. Example:
		Use Metafont bitmaps (pk files) when possible. Only real
		PostScript fonts (like Times Roman) are included as
		PostScript fonts. All other fonts are included as bitmaps
		for the default printer resolution. This options produces
		optimal results for the chosen printer.
		For file contents (not name) equivalent to:
		--dvipsopts "-Ppk"
		Not yet functional for the other modes.
		Use PostScript pfb files whenever possible. This produces
		optimal results for the screen.
		For file contents (not name) equivalent to:
		--dvipsopts "-Poutline"
		If any font is included as TeX pk bitmap, it is rendered
		at the default resolution.
		Not yet functional for the other modes.
		Select .pdfmode extension for the output file name if
		--extendedname has been set. Use printer definition
		config.pdf. For file contents (not name) equivalent to
		--dvipsopts "-Ppdf"
		Note that the default config.pdf assumes resolution 8000
		for bitmaps and bitmap generation fails at this resolution
		because there exists no known mode for that resolution.
		Select no extension for the output file name, even if
		--extendedfilename has been set. Use standard printer
		definition config.ps. For file contents (not name) equivalent
		--dvipsopts "" --noextendedname
		Give arbitrary arguments to dvips, e.g.
		--dvipsopts "-M"
		Sets extension for --extendedfilename to .custom. --dvipsopts
		overrides other flags that set dvipsopts.
		Give extra arbitrary arguments to tex, e.g.
		--extratexopts "--interaction=nonstopmode"
		Sets extra options for the tex command that is used.
		Give extra arbitrary arguments to dvips, e.g.
		--extradvipsopts "-M"
		Sets extra options for dvips and does not set extension
		or override other options. Options will be added to the end
		of the options for dvips
		After running dvips, copy the ps file over to the directory
		where the tex file is, possibly overwriting a ps file
		that is there. Use with caution, a ps file could be input
		as well.
		Give path of TeX binaries, use directory of this script
	--distiller prog
		Use a distiller different from ps2pdf which is the default.
		Argument must be an executable or executable script that
		gets called iwth two arguments: input file (PS) and output
		file (PDF). E.g.:
		Using this flag sets the distiller filter mode to off
		This flag only makes sense in dvips mode
	--distiller-filter prog
		Use a distiller executable or executable script which is
		called with the PS input as standard input and which writes
		the PDF output to standard output. E.g.:
		This flag only makes sense in dvips mode
		Give path needed by the distiller binary. This path is added
		to the begin of you PATH environment before the distiller is
		run. The reason is that for instance ps2pdf uses the path to
		find gs and sets the path to something with /sw/bin at the
		beginning.  Thus, installing gs from fink would make
		/usr/local/bin/ps2pdf find another gs than intended. By giving
		an empty path, the path is not changed before the distiller
		program is run. The default is empty.
		This flag only makes sense in dvips mode
		Give arbitrary arguments to dvipdfm or dvipdfmx, e.g.
		--dvipdfmopts "-c"
		Sets extension for --extendedfilename to .custom. --dvipdfmopts
		overrides other flags that set dvipdfmopts.
	--outdir dir
		Write files here *if* our current directory is unwritable. This
		mimicks the TEXMFOUTPUT environment variable of TeX, but
		differently. The current dir becomes the value of --outdir and
		the directory where the old current dir is added to TEXINPUTS.
		This is more robust for reading and locating files.
		You can also set TEXMFOUTPUT instead, but with a disadvantage:
		you will be running TeXin the current dir. And you will not be
		able to read files in the outdir unless you also adapt

	The defaults for the distiller are
		Path addition: "${distillerpath}"
		Filter mode: "${distillerfilter}"
		Program: "${distillerprog}"

	Later flags override settings of earlier flags.

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TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
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