[OS X TeX] Staying up to date with programs Gerben used to maintain
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Dec 13 13:20:27 EST 2007
Am 13.12.2007 um 17:10 schrieb Jasper Knockaert:
> I fully agree with your objections, not in the least because
> package dependencies often imply that the obsolete tetex
> distribution is installed making the TexLive 2007 based gwTex
> unusable.
That's not true. Installing a pseudo package is the right way. Such a
package can reflect what has been installed on the system. In Fink
these pseudo packages are called "system-
<whatsoever>" (approximately: 'fink list | grep system-'). Once
you've installed such a proxy, Fink has come free of old software.
(In Fink you can also create local packages from an ordinary package
description, a .info file. There you can remove dependencies that are
not adequate, but *satisfied*.)
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