[OS X TeX] P(anther), T(iger) and L(eopard) compatibility.

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sun Dec 23 18:00:31 EST 2007

Am 23.12.2007 um 21:15 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

>> • Aquamacs Emacs stopped working some time ago.
> Howdy,
> What version are you using?

None now. Then it was pre-1.0, recent is version 1.3rc1 (http:// 
Aquamacs Emacs is also based on the non-Unicode GNU Emacs 22.x. This  
and its character of a Carbon application, i.e. something coming from  
non-Unicode classic Mac OS, delivered not so ideal support when  
working with text outside Mac-Roman encoding. The glyphs to present  
these text were taken off different fonts and they did not match  
always in look, variant, or size. This typography is a bit too modern  
for me. Aquamacs Emacs is not based on recent GNU Emacs 23.0.50 code  
from CVS, this means it does have the feature of a hub or server that  
runs in the windowing environment and can be accessed from helper  
applications (emacsclient) or from some terminal, to have access to  
one document from a few places or sites (also know as the multi-tty  

Being an active X11 user since decades I use non-Unicode GNU Emacs  
23.0.50 and Unicode Emacs 23.0.60 (formerly 23.0.0) – and also the  
Cocoa variant Emacs.app (http://emacs-app.sf.net/), which is based on  
23.0.60 code and does not have the same problems presenting Unicode  
text. It's an unstable version, now release candidate 3, close to  
being released as something stable, although it's code basis is  
something experimental. Since I am using this code in Unicode Emacs  
23.0.60 in X11 and I do updates from CVS once or twice a week  
(depending on the number of bugs I am finding), it is likely that a  
stable Emacs.app release can have this or that bug (actually Aquamacs  
Emacs is also based on CVS or pre-release code, and it's from an  
elderly and meanwhile abandoned branch, GNU Emacs 22.1.50, months  
after the release of stable GNU Emacs 21.1).

Emacs.app is missing built-in ESS and R support. I think it's also  
missing extended support for programmers (although the openness of  
GNU Emacs makes it easy to integrate all missing software particles),  
but it has doc-view: the ability to view DVI, PS, EPS, PDF (amongst  
other graphics formats) in Emacs – although no automatic re-loading  
yet! And the original vector format is converted to PNG, or its text  
contents is extracted to search for some string. And printing off  
Emacs.app is not integrated into Mac OS X.



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