[OS X TeX] Bibliography as section heading

Chabot Denis chabotd at globetrotter.net
Tue Feb 6 10:57:53 EST 2007


I'm writing a report using the article class. I use sections,  
subsections and subsubsections.

I made a section titled "6 RÉFÉRENCES". My section headings are  
numbered and in all caps. I'm not at ease enough to have modified  
things so that I'd type my headings in normal text and they'd be  
capitalized automatically, I simply typed them in all capitals.

After I format my bibliography (using natbib and a home-made style  
created with makebst), I also automatically get a heading called  
"Références", the french no doubt a courtesy of babel.

I don't know the "level" of this heading, but I know it does not  
appear in the TOC, where my sub- and subsubsections do appear. Maybe  
it is a section* (but what about the lack of a number??).

It is not very pretty to have these 2 headings for my bibliography!

I need to either suppress the automatic one generated by natbib  
(presumably), or to be able to modify it so that it is a true  
numbered section heading and is capitalized. It seems the former  
approach is simpler, but then you could surprise me!

Thanks in advance,

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