[OS X TeX] hyphenation in longtable

Chabot Denis chabotd at globetrotter.net
Fri Feb 9 14:34:04 EST 2007


Still working on my report in French. Hyphenation is done properly in  
the document, but I notice that my longtable has no hyphenation. Too  
bad because columns are narrow and many words are long, causing a lot  
of very short lines and a greater than necessary number of lines per  

Presently the table is in a different file, called like this


I thought that the instructions to hyphenate (which I never issued,  
happens by default, fortunately) should continue to the content of  
that file, no? So it must be that inside longtable it does not  
happen, at least not automatically.

Everything is in french, with babel taking care of most things  
automatically (except here).

Any help would be appreciated,

p.s. please cc to me as I get this list as a digest

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