[OS X TeX] Updated LatexmkTeXShop.zip --- Was: TexShop Configuration

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Tue Feb 20 15:18:19 EST 2007


It appears that some packages (e.g., endnote, endfloat and beamer)  
rebuild an external file (.ent for endnote, .fff and .ttt for  
endfloat and .nav for beamer) on each of multiple runs (e.g., to  
resolve (cross)references) even if there are no changes.  
Unfortunately, latexmk see the changed file and then assumes it must  
run the process again. To eliminate this problem I've added a line to  
some files (the (xe/pdf)latexmkrc files to be specific) that puts  
those extensions on a list of excluded dependencies. Please download  
an updated LatexmkTeXShop.zip file from <http://homepage.mac.com/ 

If you are adventurous you can add the line

push @generated_exts, 'ent', 'fff', 'ttt', 'nav';

to the three files latexmkrc, pdflatexmkrc and xelatexmkrc files.

Unfortunately this list is probably not exhaustive, so please let me  
know of any other ``infinite loop'' (actually latexmk give up after 6  
successive runs) problems produced by packages.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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