bgtex-v3 Re: [OS X TeX] final tex live 2007

Roussanka Loukanova rloukano at
Fri Feb 23 16:03:28 EST 2007

Hi again Bruno,

Please accept my apology for not answering you right away, while my font's 
problems were on your focus: because I still have some questions. 
(Accept apologies for the following divergence. The reason was: A 
colleague asked me urgently to translate some documentation from 
Russian. It accompanies some scripts, ironically related to our yesterday's 
discussion: converting Microsoft's doc files into plain text. Such 
conversions seem a big demand :) On the top of that, the documentation 
itself was a doc file: I think the simple TextEdit does good services, 
at least in this case, incl. with the combination .doc file & Russian. Of 
course, it could not render the clickable hyper-links.)

Now to the topic of the fonts and some security access concerns:
You should not take up answering to my following questions right away, if 
you do not have the time now. I almost feel guilty for my lack of 
competence on these things, i.e. for asking, but I have the questions and 
am posting them.

And, now, already, to be honest, I am not so much in need of the cyrillic, 
i.e. the bulgarian fonts right now. But I do need cyrillic for Bulgarian 
now and then, and something more: it is important to understand, 
at least a little bit, how to deal with additional fonts. There were 
various questions and answers about fonts on the list, but I could not 
grasp most of the answers, since I had no fonts to worry about and try. 
Now I've got such.

On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, Bruno Voisin wrote:

I think I've got almost everything of your explanations, well, at some 
"getting idea" level, not hands-on-practice without help.

> This indicates that LaTeX uses grmn1000.pfb only when grmn1000.tfm is called, 
> and when any other size is requested such as 5 pt which calls grmn0500.tfm, 
> then the corresponding bitmap PK font grmn0500.600pk, metrics grmn0500.tfm 
> and MetaFont source file is generated on-the-fly.

I have no idea how <12> size relates to the numbers in grmn*, but from 
your explanation am guessing that <12> = 12 pt -> grmn1200.*
I have none of these External grmn*.* files generated inside the root 
subdirectories. I deleted the ones that I copied there.
I do have what perhaps TeXLive, and therefore, both  TeXLive-2007 and 
gwTeX, use as their set-up defined "default" (trying to find my wording of 
what you explained above):

roussankas-computer:/usr/local rosi$ find . -name "*grmn*" -print

I can't relate the grmn.*, which do not have numbers, directly to sizes, 
but am speculating that they are responsible for creating and/or calling the 
External grmn*.* font sizes. I can't even think what is the reason for 
Gerben Wierda to have more subdirectories. But surely, something very sound.

What you say, and what I get by removing grmn*.*, makes me think that, 
just by putting the




did the trick for TeXLive-2007.

> In any case, any font generated on-the-fly during a LaTeX run should be 
> placed inside /private/var/tmp/texfonts/ for gwTeX, and inside 
> ~/.texlive2007/texmf-var/fonts/ for TeXLive (I think). The fact that they 
> were generated in the current directory seems to indicate a problem in your 
> setup, very likely a permission problem (given the generated files had 
> permissions -r-------- instead of -rw-r--r--).

Now this is what makes me worry for what should be my actions on my 
home directory for access permissions.

I have never done (at least intentionally) anything to change the 
permissions in the root directories. I've looked at them and they all seem 
to have at least r accesses for u/g/o.

gwTeX does not generate the grmn*.* files where you say it should,


despite that the permissions seem fine to me:

roussankas-computer:~ rosi$ ls -l /private
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   84 root  wheel  2856 Feb  4 13:49 etc
drwxr-xr-x    3 root  wheel   102 Sep 29 07:37 tftpboot
drwxrwxrwt    6 root  wheel   204 Feb 23 19:16 tmp
drwxr-xr-x   23 root  wheel   782 Feb 23 10:13 var

But it generates the grmn*.* inside the local directories where I run the
example1.tex, by successful typesetting only inside the bgtex-v3 
directory. To resolve this, it seems that I should put the above files 
(bblopts.cfg, bghyphen.tex, bulgaria.ldf, bulgaria.sty) in  some special 
subdirectory for extra-fonts to be used by gwTeX.

About the access permissions inside bgtex-v3 that you pointed:

It was me who took off most of the permissions for g and o inside of my 
home directory, "by hand" with the command chmod: This seems to me 
reasonable (and, wasn't it standardly recommendable?) except for the 
public subdirectory and some of the service files. But it could be that I 
changed too much to off accesses by using chmod go-rwx * (or sometimes 
under-doing...). Here is what I had and have:

roussankas-computer:~ rosi$ ls -ld ../rosi/
drwxr-xr-x   31 rosi  rosi  1054 Feb 21 14:40 ../rosi/
roussankas-computer:~ rosi$ ls -ld Documents/
drwx------   33 rosi  rosi  1122 Feb 22 23:30 Documents

(Isn't it even better one to have even
drwx--x--x   31 rosi  rosi  1054 Feb 21 14:40 ../rosi/

Then inside the Documents, most of the personal document directories, 
incl. "tests"  have drwx------, not deeper, where I have whatever comes 
to be by default.

Now, just for a test, I have changed the permissions of the 
Documents and "tests" directories to:

drwxr--r--   33 rosi  rosi  1122 Feb 22 23:30 Documents
drwxr--r--   86 rosi  rosi  2924 Feb 23 16:59 Documents/tests

Then, by switching to gwTeX distribution, and typesetting the 
"example1.tex" from inside "bgtex-v3", I get the grmn* generated 
locally (not where they are supposed to be) inside the "bgtex-v3", but 
with permissions

-rw-r--r--   1 rosi  wheel  13656 Feb 23 19:16 Documents/tests/bgtex-v3/grmn0500.600p

It seems, the permissions of the locally generated 
are off/on depending on if I give access to that local subdirectory. I.e.,
wheel just respects my setting off/on of the path
~/Documents/tests. Perhaps, this should not interfere with the rest of 
gwTeX workings, since this is a private sub-folder. But I am not sure. 
Some advises?

I've never (intentionally or explicitly) did anything about accesses 
on service folders created automatically in my home directory. Here is 
what I have for ~/.texlive2007:

roussankas-computer:~ rosi$ ls -l .texlive2007/
drwxr-xr-t   3 rosi  rosi  102 Jan 17 22:57 texmf-var
roussankas-computer:~ rosi$ ls -l .texlive2007/texmf-var/

and what of a reveal:

drwxr-xr-t   5 rosi  rosi  170 Feb  7 03:21 fonts
roussankas-computer:~ rosi$ ls -l .texlive2007/texmf-var/fonts/
drwxr-xr-t   3 rosi  rosi  102 Feb  7 03:21 pk
drwxr-xr-t   4 rosi  rosi  136 Feb  7 03:21 source
drwxr-xr-t   6 rosi  rosi  204 Feb  7 03:21 tfm

And then, a guess, and then, what of a reveal: exactly what you explained!

roussankas-computer:~ rosi$ find .texlive2007/ -name "*grmn*" -print

Now, how to get this resolved with gwTeX and the bgtex-v3? I guess 
something similar to TeXLive-2007.


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