[OS X TeX] OT: modern substitute for fancyheadings.sty
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Sat Feb 24 17:01:23 EST 2007
Right now I've got to write a communication for a conference, using a
specific LaTeX class which again is a second thought of a Word template.
Attempting to use that class, it seems largely obsolete: it uses the
times package, now deprecated and replaced by mathptmx, helvet and
courier in PSNFSS, but that's not too much of a problem; more
annoyingly, it uses the fancyheadings
package, which is no longer distributed and can only be found in the
obsolete area of CTAN, at <http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/obsolete/
There does not seem to be much of the functionalities of
fancyheadings.sty that are used in the conference-specific class:
only the commands \lhead and \rhead, the fancy pagestyle and the
\headrulewidth length, as in
%%%%%%%%%% Titre en haut de page
{\mbox{~ème}}$ Congrès Français de Mécanique }}
{Grenoble, 27-31 ao\^ut 2007}}
(not to mention $^{\mbox{ème}}$ instead of $^\mathrm{ème}$ or
\textsuperscript{ème}, which is a heresy).
Hence the question: is there a current LaTeX package that offers the
same functionality as fancyheadings, while implying minimal changes
to a class file requiring fancyheadings (ideally supporting the same
commands as fancyheadings, in a kind of backwards-compatibility mode)?
Bruno Voisin
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