[OS X TeX] MacTeX Packages

Jean-Claude DE SOZA jeanclaudedesoza at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jan 1 08:28:15 EST 2007

> Folks,
> New MacTeX packages are available at
> 	www.tug.org/~koch/NewPackages.html
> Dick Koch

Dear Richard,

Thank you for all the stuff that makes TeX easy on Mac OS X and Happy  
New Year to you and all the members of the list.

I installed your first TeXLive 2005 package one month ago and I've  
encountered no problems since. Not even with packages that live in ~/ 
Library/texmf (for instance FrenchPro package for French typography  
which installs without any problems).
I had only to change the path to the TeX engine in the TeXShop  
Today, I deleted TL 2005 and installed TL 2006. The path has changed  
one more time and is a bit confusing because the symbolic link in / 
usr/local "texprograms " doesn't exist no more and is replaced by a  
symbolic link in /usr whose name is now " texbin ".
The link in /Library to " TeXLive " is now replaced by a new TeX  
folder which contains the symbolic link to the TeX Distribution .
I played with XeTeX newly installed and it works well with the  
examples I found and using the engine installed; I have problems with  
XeLaTeX when I use the French diacritic symbols perhaps because I am  
not enough accustomed with it.
So, I recommend you to clearly explain how to change the path in  
TeXShop Preferences.
Best regards,
Jean-Claude DE SOZA

------------------------- Helpful Info -------------------------
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