[OS X TeX] TeXLive 2006 (MacTeX) is not detected...

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Jan 3 11:03:24 EST 2007

Am 03.01.2007 um 16:09 schrieb Jean-Claude DE SOZA:

> I thought we must put  ./  and not just a dot.  Am I wrong?

That's two different things, like riding a bike and riding (on) a  
train. The bike ride is for free, you just put the insecure ``.´´ as  
one element into the PATH value. The command-from-here is found. If  
you want more comfort and speed and a Mac on your lap you take the  
train and pay for a ticket. And the ticket is: ./ – ./ here helps the  
shell interpreter to find the command following, because ./ says:  
right here on the spot. ./ is here part of the path-to-the-command.  
Every path specification that starts with a ``.´´ introduces a  
*relative* path (from here) and has to be followed by ``/´´ – or it  
would be something different (as in .., which is one level above and  
is also relative). (An *absolute* path starts with /. ~<user name> is  
another example of an absolute path.)



When people run around and around in circles we say they are crazy.  
When planets do it we say they are orbiting.

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