[OS X TeX] Indexing with Diacritics

André Bellaïche abellaic at math.jussieu.fr
Wed Jan 3 13:45:53 EST 2007

Until now, the most convenient way I have found to make an index in  
French with é, è, ç, à, ù, ï characters is to revert to Mac OS 9  
(Classic) and to use the old Makeindex application (which had the  
ability of dealing with diacritics ten years ago...). (I still have a  
PPC computer.)

Unfortunately, when TeXShop/LaTeX creates a .idx file, it replaces,  
on its own initiative, é è ç à ù ï with \'e \`e \c c \`a \ù and \IeC  
{\"\i } (!).

So, before being able to compile the index, I have to restore the  
original accented characters and to change the Unix file into a Mac  
OS 9 readable file. (There is nothing to do for the way back.) I  
would like to automate the processs. So,

- does anybody knows a mean to prevent TeXShop/LATeX from changing  
the accented characters into TeX macros ? or a small utility which  
undoes LATeX's work and restores the accented characters ?

- does anybody knows a small utility which transform a Unix-Mac OSX  
file into a Mac OS 9 one ?


André Bellaïche
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