[OS X TeX] Use of nomencl with TeXShop
Christian Burk
maillists at gmx.de
Thu Jan 4 05:32:41 EST 2007
I try to use the package nomencl to create a list of explanations for
mathematical terms.
The version of nomencl.sty is v4.1.
First I did a normal latex run and a *.nlo file was created with the
following content:
\nomenclatureentry{a @[{ }]\begingroup $\bar{F}_l(\Omega)$\nomeqref
Then I switched to MakeIndex and got the following error message from
the console:
Couldn't find input index file glossar nor glossar.idx.
Usage: makeindex [-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num]
[idx0 idx1 ...]
I think TeXShop can not find the my *.nlo as its input file and the
nomencl.ist as its style
file, as writen in documentation.
I have these files: the *.nlo in my project folder and the
nomencl.ist in the downloaded nomecl-folder on my desktop. But where
do I have to put these files that TeXShop will find it?
Here my example:
\nomenclature {$\bar{F}_l(\Omega)$}{Erregerspektrum}
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