[OS X TeX] Re: [mactex-support] gyre fonts not found

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Jan 11 12:25:59 EST 2007

Le 7 janv. 07 à 11:00, Gerben Wierda a écrit :

> There is a separate gwTex Support: TeX Gyre i-Package for TeX Gyre  
> fonts.

Just installed it today, and noticed two things:

- The map file qcs.map isn't activated at the end of the install. It  
seems texgyre.configure misses a line

	system( "${updmapcmd} --nomkmap --enable MixedMap qcs.map </dev/null");

corresponding to the New Century Schoolbook clone Schola.

- The GUI fonts aren't seen by Font Book and Linotype FontExplorer X  
immediately after installing: it's necessary to start a new session  
for that. It seems to me that fonts are immediately visible when they  
are dragged onto /Library/Fonts in the Finder, and that the observed  
behaviour comes from the TeX Gyre fonts being added through cp in  
Terminal instead of drag-and-drop in the Finder, but I'm not sure.


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