[OS X TeX] Modification of the TOC

Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Tue Jan 23 07:35:24 EST 2007

At 1:13 PM +0100 1/23/07, Christian Burk wrote:
>Am 23.01.2007 um 12:48 schrieb Alan Munn:
>>>  A last question: Is there way to get the headline "Appendix A 
>>>BlaBla" modified, so that it appears justified and e.g. in the 
>>>middle of the page?
>>If you mean just for the appendix, I'm not sure.
>Yep, I only need it for the appendix.

Put the \titleformat command inside the appendix file :


This works.  (I had thought that these commands only work in the 
preamble, but they don't).


Alan Munn 
amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics                             
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages   Fax.  +1-517-432-2736
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824       Tel.  +1-517-355-7491

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