[OS X TeX] Emacs 22.92, %! and TeXShop
Jens Noeckel
noeckel at uoregon.edu
Thu Jan 25 23:49:41 EST 2007
On Jan 25, 2007, at 6:49 PM, Stephen Moye wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2007, at 9:10 PM, Jens Noeckel wrote:
>> On Jan 25, 2007, at 5:41 PM, Stephen Moye wrote:
>>> On Jan 25, 2007, at 8:34 PM, Stephen Moye wrote:
>>>> I just started using emacs 22.92 -- I have been using emacs
>>>> 22.50. Unlike v22.50, when I open a TeXShop TeX file with emacs
>>>> 22.92, it is opened as a PostScript file. I imagined that it had
>>>> something to do with the first line of the file:
>>>> %!TEX TS-program = latex
>>>> Sure enough, I went digging using
>>>> C-h v auto-mode-alist
>>>> and found a line in files.el:
>>>> ("%![^V]" . ps-mode)
>>>> in addition to what I expected:
>>>> ("\\.[tT]e[xX]\\'" . tex-mode)
>>>> So emacs is looking inside the file to make a better guess about
>>>> what kind of file it is. I tried changing
>>>> ("%![^V]" . ps-mode)
>>>> to
>>>> ("%![^VT]" . ps-mode)
>>>> but that did not work.
>>>> I really like emacs 22.nn, but this is a bit of a bother. Can I
>>>> put something in my .emacs file to counter this unwanted
>>>> cleverness? I know that I can put
>>>> %-*-latex-*-
>>>> as the first line of the file and both emacs and TeXShop will be
>>>> happy, but that seems an unnecessary complication.
>>>> Any suggestions? Or, alternatively, where else should I more
>>>> appropriately post this query?
>>>> Thank you for any insights.
>>> Sorry, but I should have mentioned that I am using emacs under X11.
>>> Stephen
>> Stephen,
>> not knowing what exactly is in your .emacs already, I would
>> suggest adding the line
>> (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.tex$" . tex-mode) auto-
>> mode-alist))
>> as close to the end of .emacs as possible (so that it doesn't get
>> overridden by other associations - the order of these things
>> matters).
>> Jens
> I placed the line you suggested at the very end of my .emacs file
> (which has very little in it), but a TeX file with %! at the top
> still opened as a PostScript file.
> I am puzzled. Shouldn't the extension take precedence over anything
> else? Surely a .tex file is almost certainly not going to be a
> PostScript file...
> Anyway, thank you for the suggestion though.
> Stephen
> PS I did make the discovery that if the first line of the TeX file
> is empty and the *second* line begins with %! then the emacs
> mechanism is fooled and the file opens in TeX mode. Hmmmm...
Ah, I just saw in the documentation that the magic-mode-alist takes
precedence over the auto-mode-alist. I had not encountered this
problem before, but I can reproduce it now with Carbon Emacs from
fink. Here is something that fixes the problem: if you put this line
in your .emacs, it will be stricter about what it considers as
(mapc (lambda (pair) (if (eq (cdr pair) 'ps-mode) (setcar pair '"%!PS
[^V]"))) magic-mode-alist)
Now you have to have %!PS at the start to make it a PS file. What
this code does is simply to search the magic-mode-alist for the ps-
mode definition and replace the condition for recognizing it. This
worked for me - hope it solves your problem, too.
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