[OS X TeX] Emacs 22.92, %! and TeXShop

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Jan 27 09:55:40 EST 2007

Am 27.01.2007 um 15:47 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

> If you use `%%!' will emacsen (etc.) still assume the file is  
> PostScript? I ask because TeXShop still recognizes the line as a  
> proper setting; e.g. it will still set the proper engine. Then  
> folks who use TeXShop to run the engine and display the pdf from  
> within emacsen would just add the extra `%' at the head of that  
> line; the rest of use need not worry.

The short answer on just this fragment: no! The first line has to  
start at the first column with %!.

I checked it with a practical TeX(Shop) file.



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