[OS X TeX] Matching math font to text

Luis Sequeira lfsequeira at fc.ul.pt
Mon Jul 9 11:23:46 EDT 2007

I am writing a document in XeLaTeX, for which the text has to be  
typeset using the Verdana font at 10pt size (this is a requirement  
that I have to meet).
The document contains a few mathematical formulas. The math (which  
appears in Computer Modern) seems too small compared to the text.
I am seeking your advice as to how best remedy this. I am open to  
using a different math font, as long as I can find how to do it and  
the font is freely available.
I can also live with a solution that makes the math appear in a  
nominally larger font (say, come up with an easy way to make all math  
be at 11pt, which is closer to the size of text).


Luis Sequeira

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