[OS X TeX] Announcement: ConvTex.app

Jeremy Malcolm Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au
Sun Jul 15 03:26:33 EDT 2007

Some of you may be aware of the nice Python scripts called ConvTex which 
Nick Thomas wrote to convert from LyX (via LaTeX) to OpenOffice formats. 
  (If not, see http://wiki.lyx.org/Tools/LyX2OpenOffice.)

Well, I've just written a Mac front end, ConvTex.app, which is linked 
from the URL above.  It is easy to use.  Simply open the application and 
select the file to convert, or drag and drop one or more files onto the 
application.  They will be saved to the same spot as the original files.

Since Nick does not have a Mac, I would be grateful if some of the 
people on this list would test it out and let me know how you get on. 
Please feel free to let other people know about the application too.


Jeremy Malcolm LLB (Hons) B Com
Internet and Open Source lawyer, IT consultant, actor
host -t NAPTR|awk -F! '{print $3}'

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