[OS X TeX] math typography

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Sat Jul 21 19:42:09 EDT 2007

Le 22 juil. 07 à 00:01, Scott Murman a écrit :

> the LBright example doesn't look too heavy for my taste, but i  
> couldn't handle the symbols - especially pi .

The pi used there is not the standard (italic) pi, but the upright  
one. It's a requirement of the journal the paper was submitted to,  
that italic is reserved for variables while upright is for constants  
(and bold for vectors, sans serif for tensors). Hence pi, e, i, gamma  
(the euler number) are all upright in the paper, and were entered  
using the commands \uppi, \mathrm{e}, \mathrm{i}, \upgamma, as  
allowed by the lucidabr package with option [vargreek].

Similarly the math italic used is not the standard one (looking like  
just a slanted version of math upright), but the alternate math  
italic font (with letter shapes different from those in math  
upright). Using this alternate math italic is the default setting of  
the lucidabr package, and standard math italic are obtained with the  
[mathitalic2] option.

Bruno Voisin 
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