[OS X TeX] IM display / MacTex-2007
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Tue Mar 13 13:41:38 EDT 2007
Le 13 mars 07 à 18:09, Frank STENGEL a écrit :
> Le 13 mars 07 à 13:44, Bernd Web a écrit :
>> It does not work in my case. Do you use IM from MacTeX-2007 and do
>> you
>> have extra environments set in e.g. .cshrc? E.g. xeyes is shown when
>> started from Terminal, but display does not.
> Weird, I have a rather standard setup. The only difference is that
> I installed imagemagick using i-installer...
It seems that the ImageMagick i-Package checks at install time
whether X11 is installed; if so, an X11-enabled build of ImageMagick
is installed, and if not a build without X11 support is installed.
At least that's how I interpret the following lines of
ImageMagick.selector (inside ImageMagick.ii2):
# Part 2 contains ImageMagick without X, part 1 contains ImageMagick
with X
if [ -e /usr/X11R6/bin/X ]
# Do install version with X11
echo "### ${PROGNAME}: X11 found. Will unarchive X11 version..." >&2
"${II2RESOURCES}/doalerter" -s "${II2DOSERVER}" -V -t
SetSelectorSets -P "ImageMagick-X11";
# Do install version without X11
echo "### ${PROGNAME}: X11 not found. Will unarchive non-X11
version..." >&2
"${II2RESOURCES}/doalerter" -s "${II2DOSERVER}" -V -t
SetSelectorSets -P "ImageMagick";
Specifically, at install time i-Installer checks whether X11 is
installed on the system: if it is, then an X11-enabled version of
ImageMagick (i.e. the archive ImageMagick.1.tar.bz2) is downloaded
and installed; if it's not, then a version of ImageMagick without X11
support (i.e. the archive ImageMagick.2.tar.bz2) is downloaded and
Maybe MacTeX installs the second version in all cases, yielding the
behaviour you observe.
The situation is not the same with GhostScript, because the mechanism
is different: two versions of GS are installed in all cases, one gs-
X11 with X11 support and the other gs-noX11 without it, and gs is
made a symlink to the proper version at install time (after checking
the availability of X11 on the local system). The same mechanism is
used by MacTeX, yielding a gs "adapted" to the machine on which it is
With ImageMagick the mechanism is different, and seems less
compatible with the way the MacTeX installer works.
Hope this helps,
Bruno Voisin
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