[OS X TeX] appearance of console window

Friedrich Vosberg fvosberg at mac.com
Sat Mar 31 15:28:34 EDT 2007


1.) Is it possible to predefine that the console window is shown  
while the engine runs and disappears when the document is typesetted  
without errors?

2.) I control the printout via engines. I want to merge the  
typesetting engine and the printout engine into *one* engine in a  
manner, that the engine typesets the TeX file into a PDF file, stops  
and displays the PDF document while in the console window a line  

   Do you want to print this file? (y/n)

And if I type y, the engine continous and sends

   lp -...

to print the PDF file accordingly to the given options.

How can I get this behaviour?

TIA and kind regards, Friedrich

Stell Dir vor, es geht, und keiner kriegt's hin.

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