[OS X TeX] OT: looking for a public-domain EPS file editor

André Bellaïche abellaic at math.jussieu.fr
Tue May 1 09:15:44 EDT 2007

I have some difficulty in following the present discussion: too much  
command-line for me.

But it reminds me of a problem which lies in pdftex, and has never  
been solved (as far as I know).

When you make a pdf file with Illustrator (Illustrator CS 2) and try  
to include it into a LaTeX file by using \includegraphics, you see  
that pdftex deals with it as if the page size was A4 or letter  
(something big, anyway). It cannot read the bounding box.

The solution I have found, after some discussion on this list is:

- use Illustrator to transform the pdf into an eps file;
- use epstopdf to allow pdftex to read the file.

In this way, you obtain the right bounding box.

If the problem lies in pdftex, maybe the authors could eliminate it  
in the next version.

André Bellaïche

P.S. I don't mind using Illustrator. Department of Mathematics in  
Paris-Diderot is not one of the richest institutions in the world,  
but it can afford buying Illustrator (with a cheap Site license) for  
all the members of the Department who ask for it.

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