[OS X TeX] OT: looking for a public-domain EPS file editor

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Tue May 1 10:05:10 EDT 2007

Le 1 mai 07 à 15:15, André Bellaïche a écrit :

> When you make a pdf file with Illustrator (Illustrator CS 2) and  
> try to include it into a LaTeX file by using \includegraphics, you  
> see that pdftex deals with it as if the page size was A4 or letter  
> (something big, anyway). It cannot read the bounding box.

Actually it does. The problem lies within Illustrator (CS 2 for me  
currently): when saving in PDF format, for some reason Illustrator  
declares the bounding box to be the default paper size, whatever the  
actual content of the illustration to be saved.

> The solution I have found, after some discussion on this list is:
> - use Illustrator to transform the pdf into an eps file;
> - use epstopdf to allow pdftex to read the file.
> In this way, you obtain the right bounding box.

On the other hand, when saving to EPS format, Illustrator declares  
the bounding box to correspond to the actual content of the  
illustration. Hence what I do usually is:

- From within Illustrator, save in EPS format.

- Either use from the command line either of epstopdf (part of TeX)  
or pstopdf (part of OS X) to convert the EPS file to PDF, or perform  
the same conversion by opening the EPS file in TeXShop or Preview  
(both will convert it to PDF on the fly).

Bruno Voisin

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