[OS X TeX] TeXShop features I would like to correct (or have corrected)

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Tue Nov 6 05:40:13 EST 2007

Le 6 nov. 07 à 11:17, Tom Koornwinder a écrit :

> On 05-11-2007 at 08:34 Josep M. Font wrote:
>> I would say this is normal TeX(Shop) behaviour, depending on the
>> point at which the previous TeX run was aborted. Anyway,
>> trashing .aux files will (almost) never hurt.
> I asked several colleagues who are regularly working in LaTeX on other
> platforms than Mac OS X, so certainly not in TeXShop. They had never
> experienced this behaviour.

That's the way TeX (and LaTeX) are designed: you are supposed to end  
up a TeX run properly, by either (in the Console window) pressing "x"  
or "e" then return to abort, or pressing "s" or "r" or "q" to force  
the run to proceed until the end. For the exact effect of each of  
these letters, see pp. 31-32 of the TeXbook.

That's the only way to get LaTeX to produce a well-formed .aux file  
before stopping. If, as I do most of the time, when LaTeX stops for an  
error, you just go back to the edit window and correct the error then  
press Cmd-T to start a new run, LaTeX will start its new run by  
reading the malformed .aux file created during the abruptly  
interrupted preceding run, and fun will begin.

Putting inside your LaTeX file the instructions \scrollmode,  
\nonstopmode and \batchmode is equivalent to pressing "s", "r" and "q"  
above in response to error messages, as are the options (when running  
TeX from the command line)

-interaction scrollmode
-interaction nonstopmode
-interaction batchmode

mentioned in Axel Retif's message which I just received.

Bruno Voisin
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