[OS X TeX] Find and replace with regular expressions

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Nov 19 14:40:01 EST 2007

Am 19.11.2007 um 19:44 schrieb Eric Jablow:

> The regex [^\\]\$ has a problem however; it never matches at the  
> beginning of the searched text!

Have you tested it? With TeXShop? And which regexp engine? And if  
this problem would exist, it's easy to solve: no \ OR no beginning of  
line: (^|[^\]).

The problems I see are:

  1. \\ is very suspicious, because usually the characters between  
[ and ] stand for themselves (except for some exceptions)

  2. the character found by [^\\] is not saved and re-used for the  



Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.
                                          - Groucho Marx

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