[OS X TeX] \includegraphics question
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Nov 28 21:42:47 EST 2007
On Nov 28, 2007, at 7:33 PM, brian at pongonova.net wrote:
> I'm using information in this FAQ
> (http://www.cds.caltech.edu/info/cds/MacTeX/FAQgraphics) to include
> some PDFs. If I just place a PDF (websurvey_pg1.pdf) in the
> directory, with the following directive:
> \includegraphics[width=6.3in, height=8.7in]{websurvey_pg1}
> I get the following error when running latex:
> dissertation.tex|1055 error| File `websurvey_pg1' not found.
> OK, so I create an EPS file and recompile:
> $ pdftops -eps websurvey_pg1.pdf
> and a beautifully rendered page with my PDF embedded is produced.
> Thinking that I no longer need the PDF file (remember, I just
> generated an EPS file), I delete the PDF. Upon recompiling, I receive
> this thoughtful message:
> Error: pdflatex (file websurvey_pg1.pdf): cannot find image file
> ==> Fatal error occurred, the output PDF file is not finished!
> Hmm...so I guess it needs *both* files! Indeed, my guess is correct:
> Upon restoring the *original* PDF file (alongside the EPS file), all
> works as expected.
> So, what gives? Why is not the PDF *or* the EPS alone sufficient for
> latex to do its thing? It's more of an annoyance than anything,
> because I end up having to generate an EPS file for every PDF I want
> to include.
> --Brian
Let me get this straight... you're using pdflatex (as opposed to TeX
+Ghostscript), is that right? Pdflatex will deal with pdf, pgn and jpg
graphics directly. If you're using TeX+Ghostscript (this is tex->dvi-
>ps->pdf rather than tex->pdf) you can include eps directly. Are the
files in sub-directories? Are you using relative paths?
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)
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